Come draw on the wall, get your portrait taken with someone you love or a stranger from across the street, and write that thank-you-note you have been meaning to write to your 3rd grade art teacher, your neighbor, the author of that amazing book, that awesome hot dog vendor, or whoever else you have been meaning to write to for oh so long! NEIGHBORS is excited to open its doors and provide you with a cozy atmosphere, paper, tables, chairs, arts supplies, a sunny storefront, and maybe even snacks... as well as a chance to help create collective documents of our time here on Earth: photographic portraits to keep close and hand-written letters to send out into the world.
SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2008
12 PM - 6 PM
NEIGHBORS (800 E Clarke St, at the corner of Fratney)
Milwaukee, WI
I am hoping to construct an xrated blog to provoke censorship but all I have on my mind is bananas and oranges, bunches and bowls full, perhaps you can use your mind to make my visions crass and worthy of censorship.
ReplyDeletelike the blog
love the spirit